Grant Application Template

Grant Application Template

Grant Title:

Provide a concise and descriptive title for your grant application.


List the names, usernames, emails, or GitHub usernames of the author(s) or main point of contact for the grant application. If applying on behalf of a group or company, provide the email of the main point of contact.

About You:

Share relevant information about yourself or your team, including educational background, prior experience, motivations, or any other details that demonstrate your qualifications for the grant.

Additional Links:

Include any relevant links that provide additional information about you or your work, such as websites, GitHub profiles, or Twitter handles.

Grant Category:

Refer to the CoW Grants overview document to select the appropriate category that best aligns with your project.

Grant Description:

Provide a comprehensive description of your project, outlining its purpose, objectives, and intended outcomes. Include details on the technologies or methodologies you plan to use.

Grant Goals and Impact:

Clearly articulate the goals you aim to achieve through this grant and the potential impact it will have on the CoW Protocol ecosystem. Explain how the successful execution of the grant will benefit users, the community, or the broader ecosystem.


Please identify the key milestones that will help track the progress of your grant. Use the provided table as a summary and expand on each milestone description and deliverables below.

Due Date
Milestone 1
Milestone 2

Milestone 1

Provide a comprehensive description of the tasks and deliverables for Milestone 1. Specify the anticipated outcomes and their significance for the successful completion of the project.

Milestone 2

Provide a comprehensive description of the tasks and deliverables for Milestone 2. Specify the anticipated outcomes and their significance for the successful completion of the project.

Funding Request:

Summarize the funding you are requesting for your project, including the amounts in xDAI and COW tokens, if applicable. Justify the funding amount based on the project's scope, complexity, and expected impact.

Budget Breakdown:

Provide a breakdown of how the requested funds will be allocated and utilized. Explain how the funds will be used for specific aspects of the project, such as development, marketing, or other relevant expenses.

Gnosis Chain Address (to receive the grant):

Specify the Gnosis Chain wallet address where you would like to receive the grant funds.

Other Information:

Include any additional material or information that could strengthen your application, such as relevant documents, references, or previous work samples.


Indicate whether you were referred to this Program by anyone. If so, provide the name or relevant details of the person or entity that referred you.

Terms and Conditions:

Include the following line in your grant application:

By submitting this grant application, I acknowledge and agree to be bound by the CoW DAO Participation Agreement and the CoW Grant Terms and Conditions.